As your MP, I represent everyone who lives in Hull North.
I am always happy to help constituents who need assistance in dealing with Government departments, such as the DWP or the Home Office. However there are some things MPs cannot do, such as give legal advice or secure preferential treatment for constituents.
You can find out more about what an MP can and cannot do here:
Much of the time my small team in Hull can help you with any issues. But if you do need to speak to me my team will be happy to book an appointment on the phone or online, whichever you prefer.
Please note that MPs can only respond to those living within their constituencies, so please provide your full name, address including postcode and telephone number.
As your Member of Parliament, I am not part of Hull City Council and am not responsible for their actions.
If your problem is about council services, such as bin collections, in the first instance you should contact your Ward Councillors. You can find your local Councillors’ contact details in the following ways:
• Call: Hull City Council 01482 300300
• Visit:
• Visit: Hull City Council website